May 18, 2024

Traditional I-Ching Oracle = Multi-Dimensional Fractals of Wholeness

The I-Ching, The Book of Changes And the Unchanging Truth, is the oldest and prophetic of all Chinese classics (800 BCE) and is widely used today. It's wisdom is provided in metaphor. The I-Ching asks you to intuitively decipher it's rich and profound insights.

The I Ching is the Chi,
Life Force and Spiritual Roots of Chinese Philospophy and Cosmology

Explore DNA Upgrades with Upgraded-Galactic Runes and Harmonics too!

My I-Ching for 40+ years. Wonderful story about my reading with Master Ni in Feng Shui Today (1995: during the writing of that, and first first book). I've gained much from integrating it's wisdom, especially the first section on the Evolutions of Chinese Cosmology.